Department of Mathematics

     Apr 19, 2022      Clicks:

The Department of Mathematics (DM) currently has 21 teachers, including three senior titles, eight senior associate titles, and ten lecturers, 7 of whom have doctoral degrees. In addition, DM currently has one undergraduate major in mathematics and applied mathematics, which recruits students according to the significant mathematics and used mathematics categories. For example, computational finance and computational biology are both emerging disciplines formed with the development of computer technology. The purpose of a mathematics major is to cultivate intermediate and advanced scientific and technical talents who have good scientific literacy, master the fundamental theories and principles of mathematical science, and use modern mathematical methods and computer technology to engage in research, development, and practical application.

In addition to the training of mathematics and applied mathematics professionals, DM also undertakes the related mathematics courses of science, engineering, agriculture, economics, and management. DM has built one school-level excellent system and three critical paths and presided over five first-class school-level courses. The mathematics department has edited and participated in the compilation of 13 teaching materials, obtained one authorized learning platform software patent, and published more than 100 teaching and scientific research articles. Since its establishment, DM has organized students to participate in the National College Students’ mathematical modeling competition every year and won several national and provincial awards.